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Norwalk Little League

Norwalk Little League

Intermediate (50/70) Rules and Regulations


All baseball games shall be played strictly by the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL®, INC. as established for the current playing year. The priority of rules and regulations for this League shall be as follows:

  • Official Regulations and Playing Rules of LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL®, INC.
  • Connecticut District 1 District Policies as authorized and issued by the District Administrator
  •  Norwalk Little League Local Rules and Policies

1.    No rule or policy may be adopted within the League that is or may be in direct conflict with any rule, regulation or policy contained in publications of a higher priority as listed above.

 2.   The home team shall occupy the first base dugout, be responsible for field preparation (if necessary), and provide the official scorekeeper.  NLL will NOT do any field prep at Vets Park.

3.    No batting practice before the game is allowed on the game field. No team practice on the game field after it has been prepared for a game. Any scheduled team practice on the playing field must conclude at least two (2) hours before game time. Batting Practice should be taken in cages.(where available)

 4.   The visiting team shall have infield practice for ten (10) minutes starting twenty five (25) minutes before game time. The home team shall have infield practice for ten (10) minutes immediately following the visiting team.  No infield practice for either team if it will delay the start time of the game.   Each team shall provide to each other and the official scorekeeper a copy of the starting line up at the start of infield practice (Not later than the meeting between umpires and managers).

 5.   The pre-game meeting between managers and umpires shall take place five (5) minutes before game time. Each manager shall determine that the condition of the field is acceptable. A line up card shall be also given to the home plate umpire if requested. Each team will provide the umpire with one (1) game ball suitable to the umpire for play. Each team will also provide additional balls as required. The home plate umpire shall give to the managers the pre-game instructions and review any and all ground rules particular to that field.

 6.   All games shall start at the scheduled time except for changes approved by the League President and/or Division Commissioner.  Teams may begin play with 8 players. A team will have a 20 minute grace period to start the game with the minimum 8 players or said team shall be charged with a forfeit.

 7.   Teams may elect to use two adult base coaches, one at first base and one at third. An adult manager and/or coach is only permitted to occupy the first and/or third base coaches box if there is at least one other adult manager or coach in the dugout.  If a player coaches one of the bases, he/she must wear a protective helmet.

 8.   A continuous batting order shall be used which includes all players on the roster present for the game. Players arriving after submissions of the line-ups to the umpire shall be placed in the order after the last player named in the batting order. If a player becomes injured, ill or must leave the game site after the start of the game, the team will skip over his/her spot in the order without penalty. If the injured, ill or absent player returns they will be reinserted into their original spot in the batting order and the game continues.

 9.   A player may be entered and/or re-entered defensively into the game anytime with the exception of the pitcher.  A player once removed as a pitcher may not re-enter that position.  A player who has thrown forty-one (41) pitches or more during a game may not play the position of catcher in the same game.  

 10.  Pitchers

a.)    Any player on the team may pitch. (There is no limit to the number of pitchers a team may use in a game)

b.)    Players once removed from the mound may not return as pitchers: A pitcher remaining in the game may play any position in the field including catcher (if forty one (41) pitches or less were delivered in that game).

c.)    The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position.

League Age: 

       13         95 pitches per day
    11-12       85 pitches per day

     9-10        75 pitches per day

       7-8        50 pitches per day

Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI© for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs:

1. That batter reaches base;

2. That batter is put out;

3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning.

d.)    A pitcher who delivers forty-one (41) or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.  There are to be no Gentlemen’s agreements on this point.

e.)    A player who plays the position of catcher for more than three (3) innings is not allowed to pitch in that game.

f.)    Pitchers league age 13 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements(Reg VI: Option 2). This option increases the days of required rest but eliminates the skip game, allowing players to pitch in consecutive games if the following is met:

o    If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four(4) calendar days of rest must be observed

o    If a player pitches 51-65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

o    If a player pitches 36-50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar day of rest must be observed.

o    If a player pitches 21-35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.

o    If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar rest is required

Completion of pitching to batter: If a pitcher reaches the pitch-count limit for their day(s) of rest threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until the batter reaches base, the batter is retired, or the third out is made to complete the half-inning. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he/she reached during that at-bat, provided that pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter.

g.) Balks will be called as per umpire discretion.  Two (2) warnings per pitcher will be given before a balk is enforced.  

11.  Bats   The bat must be a baseball bat which meets Little League specifications and standards as noted in this rule. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick and made of wood or of material and color tested and proved acceptable to Little League standards. It shall not be more than thirty-three (33) inches in length, nor more than two and one-quarter (2 ¼) inches for Little League;   All non-wood bats shall meet the USA performance standard, and such bats shall be labeled with a USA baseball approved stamp, permanent certification mark, or say Little League approved. 

       All divisions: If an illegal bat is discovered it will be removed from play.  Coaches should police their bats before allowing the hitter to take position in the batter’s box. 

12.  All players shall play in each game and meet the following minimum playing requirements:

      a. 12 or more players in lineup - minimum of 3 full defensive innings

       b. 11 players in lineup              - minimum of 4 full defensive innings

      c. 10 players in lineup               - minimum of 5 full defensive innings

      These do not have to be consecutive innings. Substitutions for this rule shall be made no later than the bottom of the 3rd inning for the visiting team and top of the 4th inning for the home team. 

a. Any game shortened by darkness, weather or mercy rule 4.10 (e) is not an excuse to not satisfy a minimum play requirement [see Regulation IV (I)]. Mandatory defensive play for game shortened by mercy rule will be ½ of innings played in the field. If mandatory defensive play is not satisfied for all players in mercy rule games, affected players will be required to start the next scheduled game. 
b. A player's excused or unexcused absence from a scheduled game; or 
c. Disciplinary action by a manager of a player for just and reasonable cause, with twelve (12) hours notice prior to the game and approval by the Player Agent and President. 
The scorebooks of all teams shall be subject to inspection by the League and its representatives.

13.  Obstruction Rule:  Little League Rule 2.00- A runner coming home must make an effort to slide or avoid contact with the catcher.  A runner may not under any circumstances “barrel over the catcher” and at the discretion of the umpire be ejected from the game.

      Clarification on the Misnamed "MUST SLIDE" rule.  Little League DOES NOT have a MUST SLIDE rule-  The rule states "it is slide or attempt to avoid contact and this only when the defensive player (catcher) is in POSSESSION of the BALL and WAITING to make a TAG.  Please ensure that your players under this rule and WHY we have it. 

14.  The use of abusive or profane language by anyone is prohibited. Any use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco on the playing field or in the dugouts is prohibited. Drinking of alcoholic beverages will not be allowed among spectators within the vicinity of any game at any division of LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL®, INC.

15.   Misuse of equipment by anyone will not be tolerated.  Throwing or slamming a bat or helmet by a player:

  • 1st offense-Warning
  • 2nd offense-Batter called out.  If offense takes place after at bat if over, player will be out in next turn at bat.
  • 3rd offense-Removal from game.

16. Managers, coaches and players must remain in the dugout when not on the field playing or as a base coach during the game and may not leave without the permission of the umpire. No other person shall be allowed in the dugout. No "on-deck" batter is allowed in any level of baseball from Majors or below. The player must go directly from the place in the dugout to the batter's box. Parents or other children are not allowed to mingle around the dugout and talk to the players or offer them food or 

17. No more than one (1) manager and two (2) coaches shall be allowed in the dugout. An adult scorekeeper/pitch counter may also be allowed in the dugout area, provided that this 4th person must not take an active coaching role.  All players must be properly dressed and groomed. Shirts must be tucked into the pants. The manager and coaches shall remain with the players at all times to supervise and direct player activity 

18.  Postponed or Suspended Games. The managers of Major teams involved in any postponed or suspended game shall attempt to reschedule by mutual agreement with the scheduling coordinator within 48 hours. If not so rescheduled by agreement of the managers, the game will be rescheduled by the League. The game must be played unless prohibited by weather or field availability. All reschedules will be done through the League field scheduler and division Commissioner. The League Umpire-in-Chief must be notified of the new date. Regulation games halted while tied (as interpreted by the official rules) will not be finished but recorded as ties.

19.  Mercy Rule. 
Baseball - Rule 4.10 - (e) will apply.  12/10-run rule: If, after 4 innings(3 ½ innings if home team leads) one team has a lead of twelve(12) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent, if after 5 innings(4 ½ innings if home team leads) one team has a lead of ten(10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

      If the visiting team has a 12 run lead or more after the top of the 4th inning or a 10 run lead or more after the top of the 5th inning,  the home team must bat in the Home half of the inning.  In the Home half of inning 4 or later, if the Home team should achieve a lead of 12 runs or greater, the game shall end due to the Mercy rule.  In the Home half of inning 5 or later, if the Home team should achieve a lead of 10 runs or greater, the game shall end due to the Mercy rule.  For instance, as they come to bat in the bottom of the 5th inning, the Home team leads by 8 runs.  During their at bat, they score 2 runs.  The game is over.  When trailing, if the home team scores enough runs to invalidate the mercy situation, the game continues into the next inning (assuming that it is not the last inning of the game).

20.  Baserunning

      a.)  There shall be no head-first sliding to a base that a runner is attempting to reach. A player is allowed to slide head first back to the base he already legally gained possession of.  Example: A runner on first may not slide head first into second on a ground ball. He may, however, dive head first back to first base on a line drive in attempt not to be put out.

      b.)  Leading is allowed, as is stealing at any time (i.e. prior to the pitch crossing home plate).

21.   Butcher Boy.    There will be NO butcher boy or Slash play. Butcher boy play is when a player turns to bunt then withdraws the bat and attempts a full swing.  Any player attempting a butcher boy or slash play will be warned immediately, if the ball is put into play it will be declared dead whether fair or foul and a strike will be called,  their will be no advance allowed. A second offense of an attempted butcher boy play by the same team in the same game will result in an out being called.

22.  Games are six (6) innings long. If a game is shortened for weather or darkness etc. it is an official regulation game if four (4) innings have been completed. A game shall be considered an official game after the visiting team has batted 4 times. (i.e., if the home team is ahead after 3 ½ innings then the game is official and the home team wins). If a game is called before it has become an official game and 1 or more innings have been player, it shall be resumed exactly where it left off. No game may go more than 8 innings. No new inning may start 2 hours from start of game if another game follows.

23. No game may go more than eight innings

24.  Ejection Rule. Norwalk Little League will absolutely not tolerate uncontrolled or unsportsmanlike conduct from managers, coaches, players or spectators. 
If the umpire ejects a player, manager, or coach from a game, he/she shall leave the field and baseball facility immediately and take no further part in the game. He/she may not be recalled. Any manager, coach or player ejected from a game is suspended for his/her team's next physically played game. A second ejection in one season shall result in formal review by the President and League Commissioner and can result in termination of participation in all Norwalk Little League activities. 
If a parent or spectator is ejected from a ball game for whatever reason, he/she shall leave the baseball facility immediately and take no further part in the game. Failure to leave will result in the umpire suspending play until such time as the ejected party complies. If necessary; in the umpire's judgment, the game may be suspended for the day and resumed at a later date without the ejected party present. A game date/time will be worked in accordance with the League reschedule policy and will resume at the precise point at which it was suspended with all records; including pitching and hitting, counted. Any parent or spectator ejected twice in one season will not be allowed to attend any Norwalk Little League activities for the remainder of the season.

25.  On all fields, each team is responsible for cleaning its own bench/dugout area and bleacher area after each game.

26.  A player shall not be permitted to participate unless a medical history and Release form has been submitted to the league for the current season. The manager shall retain copies of the form for players on his team.  All injuries must be reported to the league immediately and an injury report must be filed.

27.  Protests are strongly discouraged.  Procedure for play/rule in question:  1) Both managers and umpire meet privately to discuss. 2.) Refer to rule book if necessary 3.) Come to an agreement and continue game 4.) Contact umpire in Chief for ruling, It not available contact commissioner or President.

28.  Use of non-league players: At certain times due to injury, illness or known absence it may be required to “call up” players from the Majors division. The purpose of this rule to avoid the cancellation or forfeit of scheduled regular season games, not to permanently augment or enhance the roster of the major team.  If a permanent situation is needed due to season ending injury or other loss of player then the commissioners of Intermediate and Majors will meet to discuss a permanent solution. Any player on a Majors roster who is 11/12 years old is eligible to be called up to any team with the following stipulations-

a.)   If time permits, Intermediate and Majors League Commissioner must be notified before contact with the “call up” player’s parents. If time does not permit prior to game (i.e. We are on verge of forfeit and a Majors player is present and available), Commissioner will be notified as soon as practical after conclusion of the game.

b.)   Called up player can play any position on the field with the exception of PITCHER.

c.)   If a player is called up and comes to field ready to play then he/she must meet mandatory play requirements for that game, even if team making the call-up has enough players to play.  Calling a player up a game to be around just in case we don’t have enough is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED.

d.)    Called up player must bat last and play no more than 1 inning in the infield.

e.)   After conclusion of the game, the player is released back to Majors team.

29. The League President may protect the best interest of the players and/or League by taking immediate disciplinary action up to suspension until such time as a full hearing, against any manager, coach, player or spectator determined to be not conducting themselves in a manner consistent with League rules, spirit of the rules or other obligations of their position within the League.

30.  CELL PHONES will be allowed in the dugouts during regular season and Norwalk tournament play. This is for safety reasons and any and all calls should be kept to a minimum during games.  Note:  Cell Phones are not permitted in Little League District Tournaments

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